ID: com.recycledflowers.colliyoyo
Version: 1.4
Size: 6.7 Mb
How to install RECYCLED FLOWER apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Crafts are a great way to pass the time. A craft project like making plastic flowers allows you to create something with your own hands and allows your artistic juices to flow. The best thing about crafts just might be the opportunity to reuse something you otherwise would just throw away. Plastic bags are something that most people have in abundance. Instead of just tossing those plastic bags in the trash, why not recycle them into beautiful plastic flowers?Here is the tutorial of recycled Flowers:
• Cut a cotton swab in half. Using scissors, carefully cut the cotton swab in the middle. You will be left with two pieces that should be about the same length.
• Cut the handles and bottom from the plastic bag. Cut along the seam so that you are left with a sheet of plastic. Cut the sheet of plastic into strips about 4 cm wide.
• Push one piece of the cotton swab shaft first into the middle of the plastic and wrap the plastic around the cotton swab. Give the plastic a final twist to tighten it around the shaft of the cotton swab.
• Push the plastic wrapped around half the cotton swap into a plastic straw. Be sure to push it as far as possible so that the head of the cotton swab is jammed into the top of the straw.
• Trim the excess plastic to form a rough circle on the cotton swab. You can experiment with different shapes to get various designs or use a patterned-edge scissors to create a unique design.
• Fluff up the plastic to give the flower a blooming look.
Crafting and recycling, It is both creative and rewarding to make a beautiful object from materials that you would otherwise discard, or that you can easily find around the house. Doing so requires a bit of ingenuity, but the results can be surprising and delightful. The list of items to make from recycled materials is virtually endless, but flowers are a good place to start..
Find more ideas of recycled flower here! Our app give you the best experience of discovering the ideas of recycled flower ever! So on don’t waste your time and start download this app. Beloved when they are fresh, they are even more charming when they are fashioned metal cans, wire hangers, and stray buttons!
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How to mod RECYCLED FLOWER 1.4 apk
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