Version: 1.1.9
Size: 0.1 Mb
FluGet Screen Preview
How to install FluGet apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
FluGet Details
Cooperation with the app (full card) FluCard.You can get a full picture of the FluCard.
Of course, you can also get to select.
Destination will be the DCIM folder on the SD card for smartphones.
[How To]
To remove the image "setting and viewing photos," 1.FluCard camera is turned on.
Wait a little. 2. (. Until it fits a beep from the camera)
Start the app. 3.
I can see in the photos in the FluCard Sumafo 4 After a few moments., Please get your favorite photos! (^ O ^) /
· Please use at your own risk. m (__) m
-It is basically to connect to the FluCard automatically tentatively, When you start the app, before using the app, so you only need once, please leave this state may be connected to the FluCard from the body Sumafo .
App-in use, or turn off the camera, or turn off the Sumafo, cameras and radios Sumafo in ways that make the lead, please do not.
Is still a little rough, so I'm going to power up gradually, Please Just try it! (^ 0 ^) /
What's new in FluGet 1.1.9
Added a setting of whether to target at the time of video files and get full RAW.Download FluGet 1.1.9 unlimited APK
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How to mod FluGet 1.1.9 apk
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