ID: com.publicchat.chatpublic
Version: 28.0
Size: 17 Mb
Tigi Chat :Public Chat &social Screen Preview
How to install Tigi Chat :Public Chat &social apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Tigi Chat :Public Chat &social Details
Tigi Chat: Public Chat for meet new people,are you looking for friendship ? or would you like to talk with strangers near by you ?. are you single and looking for match ? join tigi chat for free to have public chat and make friendship.Tigi chat offer unlimited voice chat or video chat with strangers . you can search for users by profile,name or photos andfly friend requests . also you can chat in public chat rooms over the world.
* only 1 account per user is allowed , and username cannot be changed .
*please read tigi chat privacy & terms :
*Tigi Chat prevents the following :
* Adult photos content or words in Profile
* publish phone numbers or names or addresses or other programs in group chat or Profile for other users or people
*choose a user name improper contains adult etc ...
*annoyed users in chat rooms, writings affect religious or adults or porn !
* use the application for defamation and publicity and damage or violation of the laws in your country and harassment, fraud or hacking .
What's new in Tigi Chat :Public Chat &social 28.0
-new design-random call
-random chat
-smiles&stickers in chat rooms
-who see my profile
-send blinks
-calls improvements
Download Tigi Chat :Public Chat &social 28.0 unlimited APK
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How to mod Tigi Chat :Public Chat &social 28.0 apk for laptop
How to use Tigi Chat :Public Chat &social mod apk
How to mod Tigi Chat :Public Chat &social 28.0 apk
How to get Tigi Chat :Public Chat &social mod apk