ID: com.everafrica.english_wardrobe
Version: 1.2
Size: 14 Mb
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How to install Xander English Wardrobe apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Xander English Wardrobe Description
English Wardrobe is an English educational app for young children that teaches them the names (and pronunciation) for different body parts, clothing and weather. After consolidating the terminology it concludes with a fun game that provides hours of entertainment.The app is highly sensorial as it engages hearing, vision and touch. It further encourages the development of fine motor skills, language ability and critical reasoning.
Learning is optimised through repetition and engagement with beautiful hand-drawn illustrations. Children will be able to name specific body parts and dress in weather-appropriate clothing. Children can also use the app to indicate discomfort in certain body parts or where they feel ill. This app is helpful in second language acquisition and can be supportive in the education of learners with cognitive disabilities (or recovering stroke patients). Patients can benefit from the repetition, patterns and clear pronunciation of words.
English Wardrobe consist of four games:
Body: Learn the names and pronunciation of body parts.
Face: Learn the names and pronunciation of facial features.
Clothes: Learn the names and pronunciation of various items of clothing.
Get dressed: Match appropriate items of clothing to wear with the seasons and weather.
Xander Apps is a truly African initiative, developed by a Stellenbosch-based mother of three and incorporates widely accepted psychological findings on the importance of education in a child’s mother tongue.
Your children can now engage with high-quality educational apps in the comfort of their home language, resulting in enhanced knowledge absorption and technical skills proficiency that can match global peers.
Learn vocabulary to describe parts of the face, body, clothing and weather.
Listen and practice pronunciation of the terminology.
Play dressing game to make terminology relevant.
Remember vocabulary through repetition and engagement.
Improve fine-motor skills through drag & drop exercises.
What's new in Xander English Wardrobe 1.2
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